Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Philippines adventure

I thought for the time being I would post our Philippines adventures here on my wellness blog.  As you will see the trip is related to health and wellness,  but in a very different culture from my own western culture.  As some of you know Brad is considering and being considered as the CEO of International Care Ministries ICM, a faith-based community development organization that works through local churches in impoverished rural towns and slums of the cities.

Brad, Andy and I board Delta for Manila Philippines by way of Tokyo Thursday afternoon for a 15 hour flight that lands in Manila 10pm Friday night, so we loose a day. The following is our 12 day itinerary along with what video and web pages I found by which to share where we are and what we're doing.

We overnight in Manila and then head to the Island Bohol where we will spend our first 3 days meeting the region staff and pastors, visiting the community they serve and learning about the wide range of programs ICM administers.  Sunday (your Saturday night) we'll be attending a slum church. Monday we will be trained in the Values, Health and Livelihood adult curriculum.

Thank You Video from caremin on Vimeo.

The itinerary says we knock off early to help cope with Jet lag, I'm thinking this hammock has my name on it.

Monday evening we head by boat to Dumaguete on the Island of the Province Negros Oriental. This is where our good friends Dave and Rena Larson's twin sons are living.  Dave is responsible for recommending Brad to ICM. After meeting the staff we will visit slum communities and participate in the VHL training that we  learned back at Bohol. Wednesday we will drive 5 hours north to Bacolod in Negros Occidental Province visiting ICM supported communities along the way. 

Thursday we will again meet staff and visit the orphanage in Bacolod. Anyone's head spinning yet??

Friday through Sunday will find us back in Manila learning the area, visiting Faith Academy and you guessed it, meeting the staff :)  Please oh please could I just remember a few of the names when this is over.

After church on Sunday at the local ExPat and then Filippino Churches we fly to Hong Kong to meet the board on Monday.  After this whirlwind experience of a lifetime hopefully we and  ICM will know if we are a match.  Tuesday morning will find us boarding in Hong Kong and the arriving in Portland at 8:30am Tuesday, so we get our lost day back.

I will attempt to post additional blogs from the various hotels we stay in and keep you updated.  Check back or if you are a Facebook fan, I will share my blog updates on my status.

Be well!

1 comment:

  1. looking forward to your post. God bless you richly and give you peace, grace, strength and endurance. love and prayers, kerri


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